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A Vancouver connection?

So it turns out that that Lucca Rocco Magnotta did send the severed hand and foot to those schools in Vancouver’s West side.

But there is more. Lin Jun’s head is still missing. I’ve heard some vague suspicions that Magnotta, with his penchant for being over-the-the-top, for squeezing every last bit of horror out of a situation, might have sent the head to China, possibly to Lin Jun’s family. Lin’s family arrived in Canada today, greeted by Chinese student groups. If that package were to arrive at their door, no one will be there to find it. That’s a small mercy.

There is a little extra news on the Vancouver front. St. George’s school has a history. In 2010, a teacher with that school, Christopher Charles Ingvaldson, was arrested for possession of child pornography. He was a member of a multi-national FaceBook kiddie-porn group led by a man names Ian Green, from Worthing in Sussex, England.

Ingvaldson was also a former close friend of Liberal MP Justin Trudeau, the son of the late Canadian Prime Minister, Pierre Trudeau. There was some evidence that Magnotta had spent time in Vancouver doing gay porn. In a strange, psychopathic six-degrees-of-seperation way, there are some strange threads that are holding together Canada’s most recent and infamous murder case. Magnotta sends a severed body part to Conservative and Liberal headquarters. He sends a body part to a school where the most famous Liberal Member of Parliament had a former friend, now a disgraced pedophile. Canada is still small enough, population-wise, for these coincidences to pop up. I’m not saying that Trudeau had anything to do with this, of course. But everyone has been trying to figure out the Vancouver connection to this case, and there has to be some reason for Magnotta to think this way.

One final thing. Magnotta’s family has been very quiet throughout this whole thing, and I wouldn’t blame them one bit. They said they didn’t speak with Magnotta anymore, that he had done something terrible to hurt them. I was talking about this case with a doctor, and this doctor responded with this:

He probably accused a family member of molesting him when he was a child. That’s often what families mean when they say something like that. 

Sexual criminals often have abuse in their past. They often base a lot of their self-image and self-esteen on that abuse. I wonder if the constant thread that runs through this case is child molestation?

About devilintheflesh

I'm a writer, a husband, and a father, and I have demons.

3 Responses »

  1. Best Clue as to what started this.

    “Viktorin Khlynin. I’m from Russia. About Luka… We all must help and support him! Yes Luka became insane through a time. Very very very insane and more more and more insane in time. He made awful things with Lin. So sorry for Lin((( Lin was good… Luka was in child pedophiles pornography ring (his parent or parents also have some connection with one) with 5 or less years old. It why he hate own parents and they don’t want to see him at all even now!!! Now he (with Homolka) posted bags with body’s parts to political elites and in some schools. Why? Because this schools have connection to child pedophiles pornography ring and son of ex-Prime minister of Canade have link to it too!!!! Homolka with Luka made it in world NEWS and PRESS. Sorry but may be only this manner they may took attention to this things and show US that elite are satanic!!!
    Jun 8, 2012 at 10:06 pm”

    Parts of above are true, probably all of it, and VK heard it from Luka or he had high Russian sources. It explains package sent to school and also music tracks from 1987, when Luka was 5. All were popular in gay clubs and likely home parties too. They’d be imprinted in his mind, the soundtrack to his early life, at least subconciously if he blocked memories of the abuse.

    “Sentencing has been delayed for a “first rate” Vancouver private school teacher who pleaded guilty for his role in an international Facebook child-porn ring.

    Christopher Charles Ingvaldson, 42 — a former private-school teacher at St. George’s School and friend and co-worker of Quebec MP Justin Trudeau — entered his pleas Feb. 27 for multiple child-pornography-related charges.

    He was initially charged with two counts of importing and distributing child-porn in 2010. At the time, RCMP said 11 members of the ring had been arrested in Canada, Australia and the U.K.

    Ingvaldson accessed the social networking site from both home and school, although police said there was no evidence to suggest students or other children were at risk. He was later charged with one count each, of both accessing and possessing child pornography.

    Today in Vancouver Provincial Court, Ingvaldson’s lawyer Ian Donaldson asked to adjourn the case, saying he needed to present evidence due to a disagreement with Crown on an “unusual” assertion in a pre-sentencing report.”

    Wonder what unusual event happened the past few weeks? Luka’s arrest? Something they could use for a plea deal?

    Somebody said: “Ironic that in many of the photos, he is wearing a gold cross…displaying a symbol of Christianity while dismembering another human being… wonder if he ever thought that perhaps, by mocking all that Christ s.”

    Even wears it in the porns. Wonder if he was raised Catholic, and if this connects to the pedophile priests scandals? Read a bit about those cases in Canada and most allegations are from the 1970s and 1980s.

    “Some documents showed Vatican officials discussing one of the great unsolved mysteries in Italy, the 1983 disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi, the 15-year-old daughter of a Vatican employee. That led to the reopening of a criminal investigation. The book also provides a window into the nexus between Italian banking, media power and the Vatican. In a letter last Christmas, Bruno Vespa, Italy’s most well-known television host, enclosed a cheque for $12,500 to the Pope’s private secretary, Monsignor Georg Gaenswein, describing it as “a small sum at the disposal of the pope’s charity,” and asking for a private audience. The director of Italy’s Intesa San Paolo bank, Giovanni Bazoli, sent a $32,000 cheque, “with my most deferential salutations.” Other letters are written in obsequious baroque language, in which everyone — from Jesuits to government officials and Mercedes-Benz directors — seeks favours, recommendations and, most of all, the Pope’s ear.”

    • devilintheflesh

      Lord almighty, this case is creepy. I predict the court case will just stick to the facts, and it sounds like Luka will be judged incompetent anyway.

      • Agree with that. All the interesting details scrubbed. I also predict, based on hints around the edges of the affair, that Luka (though incarcerated) and the family of Jun Luc will eventually be very wealthy persons.

        Suspect that when Magnotta was “evicted” by police from the Fusilers Inn in Wembley, it wasn’t for non-payment of rent, but because the coppers were already on his tail or the innkeeper caught on, that he was setting up an escort service or brothel for the 2012 Olympics – Wembley Stadium. Maybe young men or teens or even children. Police told Sun Reporters to “mind their own business.” They likely took Luka somewhere and told him to “get out of town” so he decamps to Montreal. requested
        Luka Magnotta Private Registration Requested
        The Fusilier Inn. Wembley, London HA0 2HA
        London, England HA0 2HA , United Kingdom map
        44 (0) 2089037863
        Luka Magnotta, Owner, updated this company profile on 01/18/2012
        Business Hours:
        By apointment only
        Mon 12:00 AM to 4:00 AM, Tues 12:00 AM to 4:00 AM, Weds 12:30 PM to 11:30 PM, Thurs 12:00 AM to 4:00 AM
        About Luka Magnotta Private Registration Requested
        Private Registration requested due to security threats. Luka Magnotta
        November 2011 Registered
        Luka Magnotta Private Registration Requested
        Business Information
        Products or Services
        Adult Services Employees 2 to 4
        Years in Business 1
        Business Categories
        Adult Entertainment
        View newly formed U.S. businesses
        Company Contacts
        Luka Magnotta
        Private Cell

        From the Daily Mail UK: “London set to be flooded with prostitutes during Olympics as escort agencies touting ‘gold medal’ services cash in on Games trade
        New firms spring up offering ‘Olympic escorts’ and ‘gold medal services’
        Increased activity in east London near Stratford stadium and Olympic Village
        Residents want police crackdown on pimps rather than prostitutes
        Children’s charity Barnardo’s fears growth in child sex trafficking to London”

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