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Monthly Archives: July 2012

The Dark Knight Shootings: The magic stick

Guns don’t kill people; people kill people.

That’s a common saying. You’re going to hear it a lot for the next few days, thanks to last night’s shooting in Colorado.

But we’ve always had guns. Always. Since we’ve been sentient, we’ve had guns.

When I became a father, I joyfully watched my sons grow up. But I did notice something odd. Whenever a toddler, particularly a male toddler, gets very angry, he screws up his face, raised up his hands, and points his finger angrily at the person he at that moment hates. He’s never heard of guns, and yet there he is, throwing this imaginary energy at his enemy.

I’m willing to bet that prehistoric man, the creature with our brain but with none of our discoveries, had a very fervent wish. There were times when he wished that he could just… do away with the person who bugged the shit out of him. He probably thought this:

  I wish I had a magic stick, and that when Thag bugs me, I can just point it at him, press a button, and then Thag falls down dead as a godamm doornail. The next time Thag takes the best haunch of mammoth, I could strike him dead with my stick. The next time Thag bangs the hottie from the other side of the cave that I had my eye on, I’ll kill him with my magic killing stick. No one will want to mess with me when they know I’ve got my Stick of Killing. How would I go about making one of those? 

But that caveman didn’t discover metallurgy and chemistry, and so he couldn’t make gunpowder, and thus he had to make do with fantasy. We had to wait a few thousand years until we were smart enough to make the killing stick.

We’ve always had guns; we just didn’t always know how to make them.

A victim holds up his own shirt.

So when medical school drop-out James Holmes walked into the premiere of The Dark Knight and started killing people, it was he who did it, not the gun. The gun just made it easier. A lot easier. It allowed him to kill twelve people instead of one. If he didn’t have a way of easily getting a gun, he would have been, like our caveman, left with his idle fantasies. Guns make killing easier. They make people deadly.

If there were other people in the theatre who had weapons and shot back at him, there would have been a firefight. He already had advantages: he used teargas and wore a mask, and he wore a bullet-proof vest. Bullet would have been flying in all directions and more people would have been killed, which happened in Toronto in Scarborough’s Hennesey party that killed two people and wounded dozens, including a baby.

This is what happens when you give the people a Killing Stick. That’s all a gun is – a magical stick that allows you to act out a very human fantasy: to bring death quickly and easily, on a whim.

Take away guns, and you have to work at it. Killing is difficult, and it’s easier just to get along.

    I can’t really put it more simply than this: we shouldn’t have universal access to guns. Or we should; you just have to accept that a lot of people will be killed: sons, daughters, mothers, fathers. Innocent People will have to die in order to ensure your right to bear arms. They die every day already.

Is this okay?

Truth in advertising

I saw this picture and I had to publish it. Perhaps the finest example of market research. Some year ago, a very smart man realized that a fellow sent out to buy diapers will mysteriously buy beer. These people figured out what Fifty Shades of Grey goes with. Saddle up, ladies! nYlRS

Ron Jeremy asked to help trap Magnotta? WTF?

I just saw this piece suddenly appear on the Globe and Mail site.

In response to Lucca Rocco Magnotta’s video in which he kills several kittens with a vacuum cleaner and a python, a group animal rights activists asked Ron Jeremy to help lure Magnotta so he could be arrested for animal cruelty.

It gets more bizarre: Rescue Ink, an activist group out of Queens, used the infamous Playboy Barbie twins ( Sia and Shane Barbi) to ask Jeremy if he would participate.

“It’s like an episode from some TV show. The [guy] comes to the set with lube in one hand and his schmeckle in the other thinking he has a job, and the cops tackle him to the ground.That’s good for the movies. That doesn’t work in real life,” Jeremy said.

He was to contact Magnotta, invite him to a fictitious adult movie set, and then a group of animal activists would leap from the shadows and nail him. An arrest would follow.

But Jeremy, one of the most recognizable adult stars on the planet, got cold feet. He didn’t want to risk getting hurt. This happened a year before Magnotta was charged with the death of Lin Jun, but Jeremy was still leery of  getting mixed up with a kitten killer.

What if he had been caught? History would have been different. Magnotta would be in a US jail, where kitten killers probably don’t do too well.

Here are some pics to put things in perspective:

Sorry folks. But you should know there was a reason why he’s a porn star. Here he is back in the day.


The Jim Brown photos

This one is a real Gordian knot.

A little while back, RCMP officer Corporal Jim Brown exploded into the news. A bunch of bondage photos had emerged, in which he allegedly menaces an unidentified woman. He, or someone that looks like him, uses a knife to cut off her clothes. There’s more (and dammit, I’d show you if I could find them) – at one point, she’s in a cage, and at the end she’s playing dead.

Brown is into S&M, and on a website goes by the name Kilted-Knight. So, here is a police officer who in his private time likes to engage in bondage and domination.

For a short time he was involved in the massive Pickton investigation. Years later, these photos came out.

Now, I’m no fan of the RCMP (I think the VPD are orders of magnitude better and more ethical than the BC mounties), and the province will have to spend millions of dollars untangling their endless fuck-ups – the murders (poor Robert Dziekanski, and Ian Bush, who was shot in the back of the head while in custody), the dinosaur culture, the sexual harassment, the old-boys networks, and that mountie who knocked up a gangster’s girlfriend.

But there is a whole host of panjandrums who are calling for Brown’s head. Lawyers of Pickton victims, bloggers, academics, victim advocates.

‘So yes they are pictures of consenting adults but what they are depicting is criminal acts of sexual violence,” as one blogger puts it.

Yes, they are consenting adults. But in yet another wrinkle, a few friends of the disgraced officer have come forward. They say has stated that only  few of the photos are of Brown, and the more dramatic ones are of another man. One might say that it’s a bit fanciful to suppose that those two separate men of a certain age in the BC bondage scene both have moustaches and shaved heads, but that’s a common look in the sub/dom community.

It’s pointless and blatently illogical to link the Pickton murders to the lifestyle of a Mountie. Yes, he should have been more careful (his photos had originally been found on a memory stick by someone else), but that’s a code of conduct issue, and not a moral issue linked with Canada’s most prolific serial killer. In being a bit of a perv, Brown has become a scapegoat for crimes he never committed, as if his very existence somehow is part and parcel of how the Mounties dropped the ball in the early days of Pickton. But that’s another story, and one that has nothing to do with Brown and how he likes to get his jollies. If we delved into the life of every man who ever investigated anything, we’d have no investigators left.

And besides – these photos are hot. While you might be disgusted (I ain’t, but I’m looking at the issue of possible consent here) by what Jim Brown and this unidentified Brown lookalike do, you can’t deny the smile on that woman’s face. She’s enjoying herself, and she’s clearly into it.

Jim Brown should take his disciplinary lumps. In his personal life, he likes to be the one giving out the punishment, so a Code of Conduct hearing will be extra painful for a lifelong dom like him. But everyone else should leave him the hell alone.

Six perfectly timed photos.

Remains in Montreal’s Angrignon park found: possible link to Magnotta

Human remains have been found in Montreal Parc Angrignon. Police are now investigating to see to whom they belong, and whether or not there is a connection to Luka Rocco Magnotta, and if these are the missing pieces of Lin Jun, his victim. I’ve heard from one news source that it is in fact a head.

Are they acting on a tip Magnotta has given them? That’s doubtful, as he has pleaded not guilty.

I do know this. The murder was committed in Magnotta’s apartment in Snowdon, which is up the hill from the Sherbrooke street neighbourhood halfway between McGill and Concordia university.

The Angrignon metro stop is the last on the green line. It stops inside Angrignon park. That part of the island where Magnotta lived is fairly dense. The largest nearby park is Parc Royal (the park on the mountain) and it is very heavily used – not a great area to dispose of human remains. To go to the lesser populated eastern part of the city would be to risk being seen as the metro speeds through Montreal’s downtown core.

But Angrignon park is a place that has lost its use – there have been various proposals throughout the years making it into a zoo, and there once was a hobby farm. Now it is just a quiet place to hike and bike, and there is  metro station nearby. Those who live nearby view it as an almost quiet place, somewhat off the beaten path, and if Magnotta was responsible for these remains, he may have thought the same thing. Not only that, but these remains were found near a lake. There is a lake only a few minutes walk away from the station.

PS. I used to live two neighbourhoods downhill from Snowdon. The media have been painting this area as rundown and slummy. I used to take the metro up there to go shopping and rent movies. I didn’t think it was that bad at all.

This is an unbelievable photo. Luka, posing with the most infamous eighties monsters: Freddy Krueger and Michael Myers.


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