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Mitt Romney the Chameleon

Notice that’s he’s browner?

I don’t think Mitt Romney is a bad person. Or maybe I don’t know whether he is or is not a bad person. But I don’t think Mitt Romney knows either.

In 1994, during his campaign for the senate, he wrote an infamous letter to The Log Cabin Republican, a group of gay fiscal conservatives. While he didn’t outright state that he was for marriage, he did write that he wanted full equality for gays and lesbians. When that letter was brought up as a weapon against his social conservative bona fides, he could only say that he was tailoring the letter to its recipients. In other words, he was telling them what he wanted to hear.

Earlier this week, he was caught insulting half his country’s population. He was secretly videoed at a $50,000 a plate fundraiser, where many of the guests were doubtlessly rich republicans. Did the ‘Massachusetts Moderate’ really believe all that stuff about moochers and freeloaders? I don’t know, and perhaps Mitt doesn’t know either. I think he may have been telling the rich folks what he wanted to hear.

And last, but not least. Here is a picture of him on Univision, a spanish-language TV station. He appears to be wearing brown toner on his face, which makes his skin look… darker. More like the audience that might be watching the show. The mind boggles.

Barring Obama making a colossal mistake, Romney is going to lose. He will disappear, and go back to ripping the guts out of companies and sending work overseas. We’ll forget about him, and maybe by then he’ll have figured out who he is. I sure as hell don’t know who he is.

About devilintheflesh

I'm a writer, a husband, and a father, and I have demons.

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