Links, man. Here are the videos I use for exercise and technical reference. Some are easy; other are plain impossible but I gamely try them anyway.
The first: a woman by the name of Fiji McAlpine. Yeah I know, the name is a little lefty-loosey-goosey, but she’s fit as hell. If you do her videos, don’t be ashamed if you feel as thought you have to stop. She’s on Youtube, and also has her own site: That site her her videos, as well as countless others, should you want pilates, restorative, meditation, what have you.
There’s also this video, which is great for twisting and, as a bonus, shot on Spanish Banks near where I walk my dog! This woman’s name is Katie Creher, and don’t try to do everything she’s doing: she’s very long-limbed and that helps her to do all those deep stretches and binds.
Next up: Kristin McGee. She’s doing… MTV Power Yoga. This is a slickly produced video. While the technique is good, Kristin takes the practice more along the lines of an aerobics class. There isn’t even a Savasana at the end! Good for fit beginners who might be frightened away by some of the more philosophical aspects of yoga.
Bryan Jones does a shorter yoga video – just a tad over half an hour. Although quiet, Bryan teaches a demanding class and pays attention to breathing, which is the foundation of Yoga practice. He has a few other videos if you go to his channel.
Everyone has heard of Jillian Michaels. I used to do her Thirty Day Shred before I got into Yoga. This is merely a Yoga-based workout, with an emphasis on cardio and caloric burn. Thirty-five intense minutes. In the video, she even admits that she is new to yoga. She takes the traditional poses and makes them bouncy and repetitive in the four more!…. three more!... school of exercise.
This young feller teaches a short but legitimate power class. You have to be careful with this class: Duncan is also a dancer, and so he bends, stretches, and floats far more easily than most people. Try as best you can to emulate him, but don’t hurt yourself copying him. It’s a tough class, and on his channel he has a few more tailored classes.
Now, finally, last but not least, the great guru, David Swenson. This man started practicing when he was eleven, sometime in the sixties. He is now the the world’s foremost practitioners of Ashtanga. You probably should not do the Primary series of Ashtanga, because it’s just too darn rigorous and demanding. I can get through it until near the end, when the human-pretzel stuff starts occurring. But viewing the video as a reference point, particularly in the beginning as he goes through the sun salutations, you can see that his technique is perfect. If you’re not sure about the alignment of arms, the position of the back, the angle of the thigh in relation to the knee, you should go here. He explains it, and then he does it. This man travels the world speaking to packed convention rooms and clinics and there’s reason why. The video is multi-part; all you have to do is wait for youtube to cue you a link.
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