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Tag Archives: head

Remains in Montreal’s Angrignon park found: possible link to Magnotta

Human remains have been found in Montreal Parc Angrignon. Police are now investigating to see to whom they belong, and whether or not there is a connection to Luka Rocco Magnotta, and if these are the missing pieces of Lin Jun, his victim. I’ve heard from one news source that it is in fact a head.

Are they acting on a tip Magnotta has given them? That’s doubtful, as he has pleaded not guilty.

I do know this. The murder was committed in Magnotta’s apartment in Snowdon, which is up the hill from the Sherbrooke street neighbourhood halfway between McGill and Concordia university.

The Angrignon metro stop is the last on the green line. It stops inside Angrignon park. That part of the island where Magnotta lived is fairly dense. The largest nearby park is Parc Royal (the park on the mountain) and it is very heavily used – not a great area to dispose of human remains. To go to the lesser populated eastern part of the city would be to risk being seen as the metro speeds through Montreal’s downtown core.

But Angrignon park is a place that has lost its use – there have been various proposals throughout the years making it into a zoo, and there once was a hobby farm. Now it is just a quiet place to hike and bike, and there is  metro station nearby. Those who live nearby view it as an almost quiet place, somewhat off the beaten path, and if Magnotta was responsible for these remains, he may have thought the same thing. Not only that, but these remains were found near a lake. There is a lake only a few minutes walk away from the station.

PS. I used to live two neighbourhoods downhill from Snowdon. The media have been painting this area as rundown and slummy. I used to take the metro up there to go shopping and rent movies. I didn’t think it was that bad at all.

This is an unbelievable photo. Luka, posing with the most infamous eighties monsters: Freddy Krueger and Michael Myers.

A Vancouver connection?

So it turns out that that Lucca Rocco Magnotta did send the severed hand and foot to those schools in Vancouver’s West side.

But there is more. Lin Jun’s head is still missing. I’ve heard some vague suspicions that Magnotta, with his penchant for being over-the-the-top, for squeezing every last bit of horror out of a situation, might have sent the head to China, possibly to Lin Jun’s family. Lin’s family arrived in Canada today, greeted by Chinese student groups. If that package were to arrive at their door, no one will be there to find it. That’s a small mercy.

There is a little extra news on the Vancouver front. St. George’s school has a history. In 2010, a teacher with that school, Christopher Charles Ingvaldson, was arrested for possession of child pornography. He was a member of a multi-national FaceBook kiddie-porn group led by a man names Ian Green, from Worthing in Sussex, England.

Ingvaldson was also a former close friend of Liberal MP Justin Trudeau, the son of the late Canadian Prime Minister, Pierre Trudeau. There was some evidence that Magnotta had spent time in Vancouver doing gay porn. In a strange, psychopathic six-degrees-of-seperation way, there are some strange threads that are holding together Canada’s most recent and infamous murder case. Magnotta sends a severed body part to Conservative and Liberal headquarters. He sends a body part to a school where the most famous Liberal Member of Parliament had a former friend, now a disgraced pedophile. Canada is still small enough, population-wise, for these coincidences to pop up. I’m not saying that Trudeau had anything to do with this, of course. But everyone has been trying to figure out the Vancouver connection to this case, and there has to be some reason for Magnotta to think this way.

One final thing. Magnotta’s family has been very quiet throughout this whole thing, and I wouldn’t blame them one bit. They said they didn’t speak with Magnotta anymore, that he had done something terrible to hurt them. I was talking about this case with a doctor, and this doctor responded with this:

He probably accused a family member of molesting him when he was a child. That’s often what families mean when they say something like that. 

Sexual criminals often have abuse in their past. They often base a lot of their self-image and self-esteen on that abuse. I wonder if the constant thread that runs through this case is child molestation?


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