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Tag Archives: hash cookies

The dark side of 4/20

No idea who this is, but she looks irresponsible enough to illustrate my point.

Listen, potheads, ents, and trees enthusiasts. I got reports from the children’s emergency room.

If you hold a 4/20 demonstration downtown, you must be a little more responsible.

Yeah, I’ve read r/trees on Reddit. All you Ents think that potheads are the most innocent people on the planet, the most peaceful, the most harmless.

But when you hand out free has brownies and hash cookies to high school students, you are putting lives in danger.

Ingesting hash causes a body stone. The emergency room at BC Children’s hospital was full of kids who were found passed out in public thanks to those free baked goods.

The last thing marijauna activists need is sick, possibly raped children. Stop giving out free shit on 4/20. It’s not ethical.


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