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Sci-Fi classics re-imagined as pulp novels

Artist Timothy Andersen has made several book covers of Sci-Fi classic movies as if they were the sort of pulp lovelies you’d find on the bottom rack of the second hand bookstore. First we have The Matrix, which I like better than the entire series.

Then Alien, which I think Ridley Scott would dislike because it takes a high-concept movie and reduces it to a silly monster novel. Which is sort of what Alien is if you think of it. Not that there’s anything wrong with that at all.

Lastly: Blade Runner! A noir novel done up like a Mickey Spillane or Chandler novel. I love how the people on the novel are Sean Young and Harrison Ford done as vivid pulp characters. I love the insignia and the pricing, as well as the tattered quality, as if all these books have been living under a lonely man’s bed.

About devilintheflesh

I'm a writer, a husband, and a father, and I have demons.

4 Responses »

  1. Steve Vernon

    These are great! Nice entry!

  2. Paul D. Dail

    I agree with Steve. These are awesome. Great comment about Alien. Would love to see what this guy would do with some of my stuff.



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